Latest US Attorney Newsletter

The Middle District of North Carolina, US Attorney’s Office, has published their March 2017 newsletter.  This is a great way to see what is going on around our District related to crime and violence reduction efforts!

Middle District News

HPCAV Receives United Way Venture Grant

UW_HPlogo2_4color- web smallHigh Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV) was awarded $8250 through the United Way of Greater High Point Venture Grant Program on June 24, 2014.  Thirty-four organizations applied and HPCAV was one of eight to receive funding.  Jim Summey, Executive Director and Ed Kimsey, creator of the Life Construction Program accepted the award.  The funding will be used in the Life Construction Program to assist with materials costs as well as pay participants a stipend for their work.

The Life Construction Program (LCP) teaches participants marketable construction-related skills while helping them develop a stronger work ethic, improve their decision making skills and provide on-going support as they work to change the direction of their lives.  The Program has built and installed custom cabinetry for a number of customers and upfitted a local tattoo parlor, again providing custom built cabinetry in addition to electrical and painting work.  The Carpentry Training Program (a part of LCP) also works with Community Development & Housing, City of High Point to provide home repairs to needy residents.

For more information about the Life Construction Program, contact HPCAV.

For more information about the Venture Grant Program, contact the United Way of Greater High Point.

HPU Communications Class Creates Marketing Campaigns

Earlier this year, HPCAV was chosen by the High Point University (HPU) Communications 4415 class, under the leadership of Dr. Sojung Claire Kim, as the focus of their semester’s work.  The result?  Four outstanding marketing campaigns, designed by a team of students from this class, and presented to HPCAV representatives in early May.

The R.H.O.C.K. Advertising team campaign was selected as the winner, but each campaign had ideas and strategies that could be implemented.  Included were changes to the HPCAV logo, new taglines, fundraising ideas and more and different use of social media.

What really captured HPCAV representatives’ attention was how well all the students understood the history and the goals of our organization.  Their research — conversations with Executive Director, Jim Summey, reviewing the website, attending a call-in, conducting public surveys — informed their campaign creation.  But their understanding of how communities and individuals want to be safe and the importance of building relationships drove their enthusiasm for their work.

Read more about this exciting project with High Point University and be on the lookout for changes to come!

Community Support Continues

High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV) is pleased to announce a $3500 donation to our organization from the Heart of High Point Fund.

HPCAV has had an almost 30 percent increase in offender contact and expressed need for assistance with food, utilities, rent, medicine and transportation in just the past two months.  In the past quarter, HPCAV provided just over $3000 in assistance to our focused deterrence offenders and their families.  The continued tight employment market and the end of many short-term jobs has meant additional challenges for our clients.  Providing this limited assistance has strained our budget as well.

Thankfully, the Heart of High Point Fund gave us and other local non-profit agencies the opportunity to apply for extra funds for the end of the calendar year.  Our organization was awarded $3500 which will balances our budget and will help us meet the current pressing needs.

We are grateful for the continued community support as we work to make High Point a safe place for everyone!