Job Fair Coming Up
Our Domestic Violence Model Goes National
We are proud to share the news that the National Network for Safe Communities (NNSC) at John Jay College of Criminal Justice is launching a new intimate partner violence intervention initiative, based on the successful intervention model we developed here in High Point. Three pilot cities will be chosen to replicate the model. This initiative is being funded by a $1.6 million grant from the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women.
“While we do not receive any of the money,” said Ken Schultz, High Point Chief of Police, “the work and efforts of everyone, to include all of our many partners who have contributed to the success of our program, will now be spread throughout the country and will benefit many more victims of domestic violence.”
New Email Address
Effective August 5, 2015: To contact us, please use our new email address – hpcav@northstate.net
Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!
HPU Communications Class Creates Marketing Campaigns
Earlier this year, HPCAV was chosen by the High Point University (HPU) Communications 4415 class, under the leadership of Dr. Sojung Claire Kim, as the focus of their semester’s work. The result? Four outstanding marketing campaigns, designed by a team of students from this class, and presented to HPCAV representatives in early May.
The R.H.O.C.K. Advertising team campaign was selected as the winner, but each campaign had ideas and strategies that could be implemented. Included were changes to the HPCAV logo, new taglines, fundraising ideas and more and different use of social media.
What really captured HPCAV representatives’ attention was how well all the students understood the history and the goals of our organization. Their research — conversations with Executive Director, Jim Summey, reviewing the website, attending a call-in, conducting public surveys — informed their campaign creation. But their understanding of how communities and individuals want to be safe and the importance of building relationships drove their enthusiasm for their work.
Read more about this exciting project with High Point University and be on the lookout for changes to come!
Summey Named Senior Fellow
Jim Summey, D. D., Executive Director of High Point Community Against Violence, Inc. has been named a Senior Fellow in the Justice Programs Office (JPO) of the School of Public Affairs at American University. Senior Fellows provide multi-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional perspectives to help guide justice system initiatives. Summey was invited because of his work with the violence reduction efforts here in High Point.
“This is an exciting time to work in the justice field and your perspective and experience will greatly enrich our work,” wrote Caroline S. Cooper, Director of the Justice Programs Office at American University in the invitation.
Summey began working as a volunteer with HPCAV while he was the Minister at English Road Baptist Church in High Point. He became Executive Director in 2009.
For more information about the Justice Programs Office and Senior Fellow Program, visit the American University website.
Domestic Violence Initiative Covered in Independent Weekly
Our Domestic Violence Initiative is the focus of a great article by John Tucker, Staff Writer with the Independent Weekly. It was written as a two part series, but you can read it in its entirety on line.
Tucker chose to take a national approach to the story and did his research with professionals as well a victim and her family. It’s a well rounded look at domestic violence and what High Point is doing to make a difference.
The Work Continues
The day to day work of building relationships, guiding our clients in skill building and positive decision making, and supporting their efforts to change their lives continues. High Point Community Against Violence welcomes your participation in our monthly meetings as well as at our notifications or “call ins.”
The next monthly meeting will be April 10, 8:00 a.m. at the Washington Terrace Park community center on Gordon Road. See our Events page for all upcoming meetings.
The notification meeting will be on May 7 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers of City Hall on Hamilton Street.
Let The Race Begin!
Join us for “The Amazing High Point Race.”
Be a sponsor of our first fundraiser!
Be a participant – test your knowledge of local history and your sense of community!
Simply recruit a four-person team from your office, family, civic club, school, or place of worship -OR- compete as an individual. Your team must accumulate the most points from locations all over High Point and make it to the finish line!
Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st place winners in each of three divisions:
– Team of four (members must be at least 18)–$1,000
– Family of four (one adult/three children – OR – two adults/two children–Children must be 17 or younger.)–$500
– Individual (must be 18 or older)–$250
Entry fees for each division are: Team of four–$100; Family of four–$50; Individual–$25
Fees are non-refundable and tax deductible.
While you and your team race through town on your scavenger hunt for points, everyone else can enjoy the Race Festival at Oak Hollow Mall. We’ll have great food, arts and crafts, entertainment, inflatables, car shows — something for the entire family.
WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 1, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., rain or shine
– On-site registration* begins: 9 a.m. in the Oak Hollow Mall parking lot
– Race instructions distributed & race begins: 11 a.m.
– Race ends: 1 p.m. at the Festival site
– Winners announced: 2 p.m. (You must be present to win.)
– Festival ends: 3 p.m.
*To pre-register: Download the Amazing High Point Race entry form or pick up a form at the High Point CAV office, 792 N. Main St.
Complete a form for each participant. Mail or hand deliver the form with your non-refundable, tax deductible entry fee check made payable to High Point CAV, 792 N. Main St., High Point, NC 27262.
See you there!
Clients Build Garden Shed
Some of our clients have been learning construction skills with the guidance of Ed Kimsey, a licensed contractor and wonderful HP CAV volunteer. They have just completed a garden shed that will be set up in the Southside Community Garden on Vail Street. The shed will be a place to store tools used by the residents who have rented a space in the garden.