Life Construction Program

Teaching people to use their hands in productive and positive ways.

The Life Construction Program, started in 2011 by local licensed contractor Ed Kimsey, has become our best job training asset.  Offered initially just for our clients (notified offenders), the Program has grown to include training for individuals who need a fresh start. 

In 2024, Ed took a much deserved retirement and with his encouragement, HPCAV contracted with one of the former students to lead this program. Antoine Curtis is the first student-teacher from any of the NC Home Builders Association’s training programs.

Antoine took the class as a student in 2013. He did well and went on to intern with the local Habitat for Humanity organization for three years, the last as a lead construction worker. He then went on to work for a local electrical company and finally went out on his own for four years. He reconnected with Ed, took the class a second time and began teaching under Ed’s mentorship. Since April 2024, Antoine has led his first class and the group has completed four jobs in addition to the class garden shed. Construction is an extension of his artistic talent (he painted the mural on the outside on the HPCAV building). His favorite part of teaching is seeing students do the work and start believing in themselves as capable.

The Life Construction Program partnerships include:

  • City of High Point, Department of Community Development and Housing, providing federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsored core city housing improvements for the past 10 years. Our clients work and are paid.  We started by building two garden sheds for the Southside and Oakview Recreation Center community gardens. This early work laid the foundation for our work with NCHAB.
  • NC Home Builder’s Association (NCHAB). * Begun in 2013, this eight week extended training, held twice annually, is open to our clients as well as anyone who meets the criteria set by the NCHAB.  As of June, 2023, we completed 20 classes with approximately 184 students and a 80% graduation rate. Participants receive a tool belt and tools at the beginning of the program and a certificate of completion at the end.  The final two weeks are spent working on a Habitat for Humanity house in High Point.  After graduation, two participants are selected, based on interviews, for a paid ten week internship with Habitat.
  • High Point Police Department. This grant funded carpentry mini-training class was offered to younger men and women involved in or at risk for gang involvement.  The three week program taught skills needed to be a carpenter’s helper. Participants received tools, boots, lunch box, graduation clothing and other basic necessities for work upon graduation.
  • A local company that installs heating and air conditioning units allows our clients to assist and gain experience in HVAC installation.
  • Area businesses, organizations and individuals that hire HPCAV for renovation and building projects.

*The NC Home Builders Association Training is an eight week program, with classes held five days a week and construction practice and work. Students who complete the training receive a certificate of completion and some equipment. Several have gone on into the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Certification Program, required to work in construction related trades. This training is available in the HPCAV workshop under the leadership of Tiny House Community Development.